rayleigh u3a. I joined Rayleigh U3A in 2018 and shortly afterwards, became [email protected]. rayleigh u3a

I joined Rayleigh U3A in 2018 and shortly afterwards, became <a href=[email protected]" style="filter: hue-rotate(-230deg) brightness(1.05) contrast(1.05);" />rayleigh u3a  From online events, creative writing competitions and photography challenges to networking opportunities and visits to other u3as, there is more on offer than you might realise

It is a friendly group of male and female players of mixed abilities in the sport. Welcome. David Fryer-Kelsey – 01702 203455 Heather Flemmings. 15. org. U3A member? Yes No Enter your message or query: Links. You can get involved in national learning individually or with your u3a. co. Rayleigh FRAUD PREVENTION PRESENTATION 2018 After the July Monthly Meeting we had a Fraud Prevention Presentation on keeping safe from rogue traders, cold callers, telephone, email and text scams, etc. Due to Coronavirus, this has been postponed until a. 2021 Events: Talk & Lunch at Saxon Hall. THEATRE VISITS. Rayleigh Town Museum. 1 Rayleigh Newsletter Edition – No. 2019 Events: Farm Tour at Tiptree Jams August 2019. uk or phone. Rayleigh. 2. Sincerely, David Sheffield -€Chairman€- Rayleigh U3A Following the AGM, many of you will know that I am the only addition to your Committee for the coming year. Some tips when using Beacon. Monthly Meetings are normally held on the third Monday in each month at the Bourne Corn Exchange (now labelled as South Kesteven Community Access Point and Library), starting at 2. e. RAYLEIGH U3A GROUPS I am sure that most of you that are members of groups are missing the ‘normal’ get togethers each month. You can contact us via the links on this page. I am also involved in arranging coffee mornings for members. 4. U3A gives you the ideal opportunity to try new interests, see new places and meet new people. 2. BIRDWATCHING. 07739 518890 / 07837 476340 Eleventh Annual General Meeting of the Rayleigh U3A will take place on Thursday, 3rd May 2018 at Mill Hall, Rayleigh, commencing at 2. u3a NATIONAL OFFICE. We all learnt something new from the subjects that were. Welcome back to the autumn programme for the Rayleigh U3A. co. Status: Our group, limited by space to 9, is currently full. Rayleigh. Home Welcome Newsletters Groups Events Contact Information Past Events Gallery U3A. I heard recently that Book Reading Group 1 has continued during the lockdown. Software notice: This site was created using the U3A Site Builder which is subject to the terms of the Apache licence. This is a personal choice. a) Viewing the Membership List. James the Less in Hadleigh and since that time we have visited 72 medieval churches, one cathedral, one abbey and one 1960’s church. Administration. Home Welcome Latest News Events Newsletter Groups Timetable Contact Membership GDPR Useful links Beacon Past events Links Gallery u3a. Enter a Subject for your. E. g. It was a fascinating insight into how furniture and items. It doesn’t cost much to join a u3a near where you live, usually less than £15. Rayleigh. We have many different types of events on offer, including online, to enthuse and inform our members on a range of interesting subjects. Rayleigh U3A encourages ladies and gentlemen who are retired or semi-retired to pursue their interests in a wide range of educational subjects and leisure activities, as well as. At the bottom of London Hill, by the junction with Down Hall Road, stood until 1940 the Rayleigh Prison, opposite Gallows Mead and Hangman’s Field. KNIT & NATTER. A Rayleigh Grange u3a Facebook Group was started in May 2020. Leonard's Church, Prospect Place,. Please bear in mind that dates may be subject to change, so please confirm the dates with your group leader. 96 Rayleigh U3A members enjoyed Christmas Lunch at Saxon Hall on 5th December. 00pm and the meetings last approximately two hours (including tea and biscuits). 2 Deleting members including GDPR compliance. Kirby’s have now invited us to arrange a group of minimum 25 persons on the 8 th to 12 th July inclusive to stay at the Auckland Hotel, Morecambe, visiting the Lake District and the Yorkshire Dales. Whatever you do, wherever you go and whomever you meet I hope you will enjoy yourselves. Software notice: This site was created using the U3A Site Builder which is subject to the terms of the Apache licence. m. u3a is self managed, self-funded and democratic with their own Constitution. EDUCATIONAL EVENTS –TALKS FOR ALL The Educational Events Committee started this year of 2017 with two scintillating Talks about two diverse subjects. We meet on the third Wednesday of each month, 10. Kind Regards. Committee meetings are monthly on the second Tuesday of the month. The business of the court was to collect rents from several local farms. The coming months are packed with a variety of Social and Educational events, with I hope. Any members of Rayleigh Grange U3A are welcome to join us as I know many people do not like going to the cinema alone, sometimes we will even be having lunch afterwards. SERENDIPITY 5. The system was initially developed by a group of U3A members, for use by ALL u3a's. Rayleigh Tourism Rayleigh Hotels Rayleigh Holiday Rentals Flights to Rayleigh The Rayleigh Club and Golf Resort; Rayleigh AttractionsRayleigh Newsletter Edition – No. A very successful and enjoyable day was attended by 125 U3A members from Rayleigh, Rayleigh Grange, Basildon & Billericay, Hadleigh, Benfleet and Hullbridge U3A’s. All U3A members are welcome. We had a very enjoyable lunch at Saxon Hall for our u3a Christmas meal. 30. Groups. 00 pm. 30 Chatham Visit (see page 7)Home Welcome Newsletters Groups Events Contact Information Past Events Gallery U3A. 59 –January 2014 This Month’s Meeting Thursday 2nd January Speaker – David Clarke –‘My Travels in Cuba’ From the Chair Well, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and can now look forward to another U3A year enjoying all the Group activities you support. 30am for 9. Our General Meetings for all members are held at the Community Centre,. At present Papercrafts is a combination of just two crafts - scrapbooking and hand-made. U3A East of England Region Our region includes the six counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Hertfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire. An invitation was sent out to the original Steering Committee and those that were able were. Benfleet U3A meets on the last Tuesday of the month, except in December. 00 p. Games Groups. Rayleigh Grange U3A was established in 2009 and we were delighted to celebrate our 10th anniversary last year (2019). 00 for these meetings. We enjoy learning, socialising and having fun together. If you leave the Rayleigh Grange u3a, you will be removed from the Facebook group. We meet on the 3rd Thursday morning of the month from 10-12 am at the home of any member who can accommodate the group. 4. Fish & Chips Lunch with Entertainment. The day was enhanced by the three invited guests to speak about the journey of our Rayleigh University of the Third Age. Later in the year Linda and David Clarke are taking their Serendipity Group to Cheshire for a week. Jogging has always been one of the most popular ways to stay fit. Essex, followed by an optional. m. Members of the group are of varying ability, from complete beginners, to improving, and competent. The event is to be held at Plume School, Maldon. U3a's offer the chance to study over 300 different subjects in such fields as art, languages, music, history, life sciences, philosophy, computing, crafts, photography. Harvey Holmes – ‘Emerging Viruses – What Next?’ A copy of the Minutes of the AGM 2017 is available to view on the websiteThe Rayleigh U3A Drama Group, unrecognisable in their wigs and makeup, began their play. 4. Group Contact: Sue Wright 01702 831711. STROLLING. Please send your cheque to: Amanda Lowe,Nearly 200 U3A members from Rayleigh U3A and neighbouring Hockley& Hawkwell, Hullbridge, Leigh Belfairs, Riverside Hullbridge, Hawkwell Village and Eastwood U3As attended the Cybercrime Presentation at the Mill Hall on 2nd August. u3a NATIONAL OFFICE. PAPERCRAFTS. a strange old bottle, a frozen. Rayleigh. Meetings are usually held once a month on a Friday afternoon at 2-4pm in a room at Rayleigh Weir Fire Station, which has a wi-fi network, limited free parking facilities and most importantly, tea/coffee making facilities. Book visits with Heather Flemmings at monthly U3A meetings, email: [email protected] Welcome Newsletters Groups Events Contact Information Past Events Gallery U3A. Rayleigh "TALKS FOR ALL" Autumn, Winter and Spring when the nights are long and the days are short, having the opportunity to listen and learn about interesting and informative subjects is enjoyable and exciting. co. A plated supper was served after the Comedian. Rayleigh. This Group meet on the 3rd Thursday of each month. It was a positive and lively day with an interesting speaker – thanks to Pete & Maureen Huntly; the morning discussion groups had four questions to debate with the 46 group leaders and attending Committee divided into four groups. In 2020, our u3a, Rayleigh Grange u3a, started using a new national membership management system called Beacon. Most groups had “wound down” leading up to Christmas and what we have to look forward to in the New Year are even more groups starting up, including a second Serendipity. Home Welcome Newsletters Groups Events Contact Information Past Events Gallery U3A. Martyn opened our first meeting since lockdown last September with a selection of numbers from the musicals. 1. 30 pm. None of us are experts and we. Most of the actual details will be reported atFestival of Words. Chairman, Rayleigh U3A. Home Welcome Newsletters Groups Events Contact Information Past Events Gallery U3A. Most of us are not experts but we all have a keen passion for art in the widest sense be that paintings, sculptures, craftwork, photography. net. On Wednesday 14th November 2012 the Rayleigh U3A Book Groups organised a very successful Study Day for over 130 people entitled ‘Festival of Words’ with four invited guest speakers to celebrate the power of the spoken and written. We hope you like the 'new look' and the new u3a logo part of the new branding from National Office. Rayleigh. This is the time of life to think about developing interests or learn new skills you did not have enough time for while working full-time. uk or. The special rate of £229. Peter Christian author of the best selling book “The Genealogist’s Internet” published by the National Archives spoke about “The Future of Internet Genealogy”. It typically results in weight loss, better sleeping habits, and improved appetite. Rayleigh. A positive and lively debate followed, looking at ways of using “Best Practise” and experience between the cluster of six U3A’s in our local area, without impacting upon the authority, identity and. Home Welcome Newsletters Groups Events Contact Information Past Events Gallery U3A. 4. Visits can be to Museums, Art Galleries, Public Buildings, Livery Halls, Churches and Private Houses. We have 11 members and 3 reserves who fill any. Welcome to this the 100th edition of the Rayleigh u3a Newsletter. 00 p. WALKING GROUP 1. 15 pm followed by our Speaker. David Fryer-Kelsey – 01702. m. All members of the group will be able to make posts, but no-one, outside of the group, can. U3A members who are not in our group are welcome. The speaker at our meeting this month is Wm. 2. There is also a potter’s wheel for those who wish to be creative!November 2020 RAYLEIGH Issue No. She lives in Islington with her son, whilst her daughter lives in a canal boat on theHome Welcome Newsletters Groups Events Contact Information Past Events Gallery U3A. This group usually meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month ten times a year either at my home or on field trips to various archives. In the process we’ve made new friends and generally had a good time. Rayleigh. They mainly paint ceramics of which there is a huge range to choose from. Or otherwise speak to her at a monthly meeting for more info. Rayleigh u3a. If you want to. The policy details how personal information will be collected, stored and managed in line with data protection principles and the General Data Protection Regulation. Rayleigh Tourism Rayleigh Hotels Rayleigh Vacation Rentals Flights to Rayleigh The Rayleigh Club and Golf Resort; Things to Do in RayleighRayleigh u3a, like other u3as, is a mutual aid organisation, operationally independent but a member of the Third Age Trust, which requires adherence to the guiding principles of the u3a movement (to be found on the Trust’s website ) The Trustees have considered risks and take professional advice as appropriate. SUNDAY LUNCH. We meet on the 3rd Wednesday 2. The new U3A diaries for 2016 are now available for sale at £3. Rayleigh Grange u3a is affiliated to the Third Age Trust and upholds its aims and principles. The Fourteenth Annual General Meeting of the Rayleigh u3a will take place on WEDNESDAY 3rd NOVEMBER 2021 at Trinity Church Main Hall, Rayleigh commencing at 2. RAYLEIGH UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD AGE (U3A) Charity number: 1134068 Charity reporting is up to date (on time) Charity overview What, who, how,. CREATIVE WRITING. 1134068 h Rayleigh U3A’s first Study Day (see page 10). Peter Christian author of the best selling book “The Genealogist’s Internet” published by the National Archives. m. This Collage was created by the Digital Photography Group. Rayleigh Landmarks. Normally every Sunday at Holy Trinity we have9. U3A monthly meetings, e-mail [email protected]. A copy of the Draft Minutes of the AGM 2020 will be displayed on the noticeboard at the September Meeting, is available on the Rayleigh. Rayleigh Grange. Theatre Group. 99 u3a1= laugh, Newsletter live Reg Charity No. I am steadily learning about the U3A movement and am enjoying meeting new people, learning new things and using my skills to support our U3A and its members. DANCING ADVANCED (Monday) 8-9pm. If you join us, we hope you will not only join our. This is the Rayleigh Grange U3A Facebook Group. Here are Rayleigh u3a documents you may find helpful. Rayleigh u3a will make every effort to respect the confidentiality of any information that is disclosed under this policy and procedure, however due to the seriousness of allegations confidentiality is not absolute. Rayleigh. 00 am to 12. Bob Wren then introduced. The village of Hullbridge nestles on the south bank of the river Crouch. Contact Me. Barn dance for Leigh on Sea U3A, Leigh Community Centre, Leigh on Sea, Essex Sold Out; 24 Jul Barn Dance for Rayleigh U3A, Hullbridge Community Centre, Pooles Lane, Hullbridge, Essex, ss5 6pa; 22 Jul GRAND CEILIDH CLUB, Royal Naval Association, East Street, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 6LQ Join us; 13 MayA friendly group that meets 2nd Tuesday of the month. Choose Send E-mail from the drop-down list below the table and press the Do with selected button. Across Essex, u3a members are learning, staying active and having fun in later life. We are always looking for more Group Leaders, either to run a New Group for an interest that we do not currently have, or to start an Additional Group, to ease the waiting lists for the Groups that are full. I belong to the Classic Novels Book Group and am hoping to join the Drama Group in the New Year. Get Safe online. Group Leader - Elaine Woodcock. Home Welcome Newsletters Groups Events Contact Information Past Events Gallery U3A. In 2020, our u3a, Rayleigh Grange u3a, started using a new national membership management system called Beacon. Citizens Advice National.