Infiltrate the megaship data link. Second time I'm trying my hand at this type of mission, and the ship is nowhere to be found. Infiltrate the megaship data link

 Second time I'm trying my hand at this type of mission, and the ship is nowhere to be foundInfiltrate the megaship data link  These are typically bog standard missions

Scan megaship. #1 RetroRebel May 27, 2021 @ 9:28am Originally posted by RunningBare: Make sure the data link scanner is set in your fire groups, the rest unfortunately is just a. Ned Flandalorian said: Maybe if you named the megaship and the system it's meant to be in, someone could check. " However, none of the new targets displayed is a "data link". ShelLuser Dec 11, 2021 @ 4:36am. #5. The mission board had TONS of these missions available but they all were only in reference to the same two megaship targets. #3. Deploy hardpoints, approach a short distance, and use the trigger with this scanner, until you. It seems to have a decent. Kept looking with the FSS and kept zooming in on every possible body with an orbit. Summary – Scan the datapoint on the megaship. Any "Infiltrate the Data Link" mission can be satisfied by scanning almost any megaship's log uplink node (there were only a couple. the elusive megaship appeared. Elite Dangerous Space combat. This was my first mission like this so I figured I must be doing it wrong, ended up trying a lot of different things. Get under 100 meters, then scan it. In this video, I take a closer look at Megaship Infiltration Missions (Infiltrate the Data Link ) which are a relatively low risk way to earn some decent cre. Yes i am hovering very close and it is targeted. Oct 16, 2022. Can't complete infiltrate the megaship data link Every goddamn time I try to do this mission a metric ass load of enemy fighters (pythons, Krait phantoms and vultures). Thanks for any help. infiltrate megaship datalink. Scan subtargets with data link scanner as needed. Check out the local ships in the area. WOW this game should have CG. I'm still in my sidewinder, and got tempted with the high value datalink missions. Mission infiltrate Data Link. Disable Emplacement Power Grid / Discrete Power FailureThe Data Link Scanner is an integrated scanner module used to scan and interact with active technology. ) but could not complete the rest because I had already scanned the Ship Uplink (aka data link data link Lesson learned - don't take more than one mission. . 2. Help. 3) Press the related mouse button. Infiltrate megaship missions broken? To explain, i need to scan the ships log array with a data link scanner, it is in the middle of a cargo megaship so i cant get to the middle to scan the damm link. Players can use hatch breaker limpets to open a cargo bay. . 2. "Incorrect mission update when doing multiple Infiltrate the data link data link missions" bug tracker on Frontier support has voting where people are reporting similar issues. The mission before, I easily found it. The first time I did one of these missions it was a breeze, no enemies or anything. . I pick up a Infiltrate Megaship Data Link mission and lists it as Threat 0. Last I checked, every megaship datalink can only be scanned again with a few days (~7?) in. Make sure there are no security ships in the area and make sure the ships are far away before you start. Even if a different faction offers the same megaship it cannot be scanned in that week. Get message that its scanned. Also I cannot find how to use data link scanner, assigning to a fire group,I only have fire group A with 1or2 mouse button. Method – Fly to the target megaship, find the “Ship Log Uplink” on your contacts panel, and use your Datalink scanner until the scan completes. I'm new to these sorts of missions but I can't find great info on why it's happening. Every goddamn time I try to do this mission a metric ass load of enemy fighters (pythons, Krait phantoms and vultures) spawn as soon as I scan the megaship. ago. Had trouble looking for my first megaship. I travelled for a while yesterday and found it and started scanning it, but didn't finish the infiltration because I had to come off. These are typically bog standard missions. 1) Put it in a firegroup. Eventually found it and it wasn't even highlighted as a mission target. I think that is causing this issue to happen because they are hopping around so much. Scan megaship with data link scanner (reveals subtargets) 2. Can't complete infiltrate the megaship data link. EVERY SINGLE TIME. Infiltrate mega ship data link - ship missing. Use the FSS scanner. Went to the system scanned the ship log uplink. Do NOT accept multiple of the same missions. Andro said: Composition scanner is for Codex things only. No composition scanner needed. I'll accept missions for mega ships that are no longer in the system that the mission stated. At the moment i've been flying the system for about two hours and found nothing mission related. Arkaboop. Approach megaship 3. Megaship has disappeared 1. 4. {God-Father} Sep 10, 2021 @ 2:20am. I ran a mission yesterday that required me to interact with a data link on a mega ship. The Data Link Scanner is a multipurpose scanner that provides cargo/bounty information on targets along with the. I've went through my entire navigation panel list and it's nowhere to be found. Can anyone help me I selected a mission infiltrate Data Link - I found the ship done a scan I now have a lot of sub system , but I can not scan them , what do i need to do next i said interact with Data link ? but. This is to gather more information from players experiencing the same issue. Return to the mission giver. I believe you can only scan the same megaship once a week. Players can use recon limpets to activate data terminals and comms arrays. Accept only one mission. #4. 1. Go find the mega ships's "Ship Log Uplink". Target Megaship. No joy. Infiltration Missions require you to locate and scan a Ship Log uplink node. It is installed by default on SRVs and Ships, and does not occupy an internal module compartment, have mass, or draw power. Enter SC, drop back in. So I went and scanned it returned to the station only to find that only ONE of the missions was completed, found it weird but went back ant tried to scan it again. Time to make some easy money and or get some engineering materials by infiltrating a megaship datalink. Found the mega ship. Once a reported issue is acknowledged by our QA team, the report will enter 'voting' stage. 3. So, I scanned everything else for good measure: hackable data links 0 ad 1, comms link 0 and 1, and Ship Log Uplink. Tried that. Luriant 6 mo. All 5 were the same - scan the Data Link of Megaship Naphtha Class Tanker HTH-082 in Ceos system. . . 5. Elite Dangerous > General Discussions > Topic Details. Data link is what you scan megaships with to show their subsystems. So I logged into Elite for my monthly disappointed on how dysfunctional this game is, and wasn't let down. Doesn't seem to make any difference. but after multiple videos where the guy was doing the same. I have never found a single megaship. It didn't show up in navigation after using the Discovery Scanner and Navigation Beacon. I've googled, but nit found a concise answer. Deploy Hardponits 4. Originally posted by jeikkonen:I have an entire thread dedicated to a critical breaking problem in the "Infiltrate the data link" mission. There are numerous megaships out there in the mission boards. Mission description says to scan the "data link" data link, and there's nothing called just "data link". I've found the megaship. I picked up an "Infiltrate the data link data link" mission, seemed simple enough? Find the mega ship, scan the data link thing, and get out. . Players can scan the Ship Log Uplink with a Data-Link Scanner to determine the. Secondly - yup I had 3 missions all for the same megaship - could only complete the first one (logged out and in and to desktop and back in, handed in all the completed missions etc. Interrogate target to [can't remember what else]. I took out a good bunch of these missions to complete, but it turns out you can only complete one mission. I'm in the right system, Robigo, just like the mission description says. I am trying to complete an 'Infiltrate the megaship Data link' mission and need to find a BUR-955 Demeter-class cropper int he Quilmes system. Infitrate the Megaship Datalink missions. Megaships introduce players to a number of gameplay features, such as: Data Link Scanner, Selecting Sub-Targets, Using. Mission: Infiltrate the Data Link Data Link 1. I did notice something after you mentioned that the missions were being completed for different ships. Always try to keep an eye on the radar just in case to see if new ships jump in and/or are close. Steps are: 1. [2021] Infiltrate the Data Link missions [PC] [Odyssey] Original Post — Direct link Picked up one mission. This: use the FSS to find Signal Sources in the system. As you all know by now, I'm fairly new to Elite Dangerous and I have still much to learn but I have a pas. 3. Infiltrate the Data Link. Expected Time – 8-15m. Infiltrate the Megaship data link Megaship: LAO-509 HENRY-CLASS HAULER System: HIP 99940 And reward should be FREE Carrier or (2x triple engineered 8A FSD and thrusters + 7A FSD and thrusters + 6A FSD and thrusters) for TOP 100% participants (considering you manage to do that). Infiltration Missions require you to locate and scan. Target it 6. The "tick" will reset the megaship for the player after it has gone through. It's much more general. Are Megaship "Scan the Data Link datalink" missions completely broken? I'm grinding for my ASP Explorer, I see these "infiltrate" missions that offer half a mil creds for a zero. jeikkonen Dec 11, 2021 @ 4:11am. You get. The further away the ships are, the more likely you are successful. Hi Guys, Raith from Blackwood Games Australia here. Second time I'm trying my hand at this type of mission, and the ship is nowhere to be found. 2) Select that firegroup. I spent this morning to fly within 1,000ls of each body in the system, as was suggested by one of the CMDRs in past posts, and behold. The ship was orbiting the planet nearest to the station I was docked at so it. You need to use the datslink scannes, Right panel > Firegroups. . Decided to try out the infiltration missions and grabbed 5 of them. Scanned with data link scanner.