Previous. [M4F] I'm Gonna Miss You [Romance] [Relationship] [Sweet] [Bed Sounds] [Laughing] [Goofy Boyfriend] [Pillow Talk] [Going on Vacation for a Week] Originally Posted May 2016. Aftercare for Daddy's Tired of Waiting For You (For those more into non-con) It's perfectly okay to enjoy this kind. Soundgasm. Stars fading but I linger on, dear. net. play stop. While I'm alone and blue as can be. net Logo Home Login Signup Contact. net. Originally Posted Dec. 05:52 Part I: Tag/Kink Discussion. Aftercare for Raided and Ravaged by a Band of Orcs (For those more into non-con) It's perfectly alright to enjoy. 00:00 Intro. net. play stop. soundgasm. soundgasm. Dream a little dream of me. max volume. Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me. repeat. General Update: Taking a Break. everdistant-utopia • 2 yr. everdistant_utopia. F/M. Any Time. [M4F] Honest Attempt at Hypnosis. max volume. [M4F] Finally Meeting You in Person [Romance] [Sweet] [Consent] [Relationship] [Cunnilingis] [Switching Positions] [Gentle] [Rough] [Aftercuddles] [No L-Bombs] Originally Posted June 2016. net. [M4F]Risky Roommate. repeat. Seeing that the audios directly before and after this one didn't make it was a little sad too. net Logo Home Login Signup Contact. Login Signup Contact. net. everdistant_utopia. Hi ! I think you can directly find it by typing soundgasm. max volume. I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear. net. net Logo Home Login Signup Contact. net Logo Home Login Signup Contact. max volume. 0016 secondssoundgasm. Every audio, every script, every post. [M4F] Peg Your Desperate Boyfriend to Sleep (Optional Intro)Aftercare for Help, Don't Peg Me, I'm Stuck! (For people less into non-con)Having you right here like this. Soundgasm. If 2. Home Login Signup Contact. Update Required. repeat. NSFW Audios on Reddit Weekly on Thursdays 5:30PM EST[M4F] Trying Rape in a Safe Environment - SAFEWORD AUDIO [Aftercare] [Comfort] [Reassurance] [Cuddles] [Deep Breaths]Soundgasm. net. Play Count: 47270. ago. Scrobble, find and rediscover music with a Last. soundgasm. Aftercare for Gently Guiding You through CNC (For people less into non-con) Your experiences and your interests are valid and being healthy and safe is the most important thing. everdistant_utopia. mute unmute max volume. K. Gently Riding me Awake. 2015 I guess this is probably the origin of the "convincingly-nice-but-actually-psychotic" character that I ended up using in a lot of later audios _You are such a legend. K. net on our site. net. littlebardofhope. [M4F] Trying Rape in a Safe Environment [BFE] [Consent] [Preparation] [Rough] [Struggling] [Physical] [Aftercare] [Cuddles] [Reassurance]Script by u/everdistant-utopia [Friend Becomes Rapist] [Insane from Rejection] [L-Bombs] [Rape] The Monster Under Your Bed [M4F] Script by u/ghostofmono [Tentacles]. mute unmute max volume. Daddy's here to make you feel safe and comfortable, okay? You're such a good girl. Soundgasm. "Netflix and Chill" With Your Girlfriend. Play Count: 38264. Login. play stop. Pages related to self harm comfort boyfriend m4f found on Soundgasm. ago. soundgasm. Soundgasm. everdistant_utopia. Answers and Thoughts. Noticing how mentally destroyed you are, he offers to help relieve some of that stress <3Play Count: 4070. play stop. 00:00 - 17:52 Non-con related aftercare 17:52 - 54:25 Character/Relationship related aftercare. Reset PasswordThe future home for your audio hosting needs. No Archive Warnings Apply. ago. Soundgasm. No Archive Warnings Apply. A. max volume. A Letter to my Honey♡ Express mail is expensive and extortionist. play stop. Let Me Tie You Up, Will Ya, Bunny? No, I won’t let you see it until its done. everdistant_utopia. Now ride me like I'm yours. Avalon. soundgasm. NSFW Audios on Reddit Weekly on Thursdays 5:30PM ESTSoundgasm. play stop. [M4F] Vanilla Boyfriend Tries Snuff [MDom] [Rough] [BFE] [Knifeplay] [Choking] [Chains] [Death] [Snuff] [Necro] [Consent] turns to [Rape]First things first: I couldn't find any information on my old 2015-2017 audios while I was uploading them to soundgasm, and therefore there were a bunch of audios that were script fills where I forgot who wrote them, or in some case, wasn't sure if they were script fills. max volume. soundgasm. 5% (one out of 40) of GWA's subscribers listen to only one (whole) audio per day, that's 18,525 listens, and ~130 GB. mute unmute max volume. Soundgasm. net. I'm proud of you for using a safeword. Even though I'm asleep you can't keep your hands off me. everdistant_utopia. max volume. Love, Eyes of SuggestionPlay Count: 3974. "Ummmm, Ever heard of knocking???" This is a Free Patreon Audio:) Since its been like 5 months, I thought that was an appropriate amount of time to wait for me to finally give out a free audio<3. just as long as you keep moving your hips. Soundgasm. [M4F] [BFE] [Get On Top of Me] [And Kiss Me Slow] [Put Em In My Mouth Please] [What Are You Doing, Huh?] [Where Are You Goin-] [Get It Juicy] [I Wanna Drink] [Do That Thing You Do] [Slow, Slow, Slow] [Mutual Pleasure] [Taking Turns] [Kisses on Kisses] [Switch]SoundGasm Studios, LLC Call Us at (404) 630-3749 Kennesaw, Georgia [email protected] Count: 62480 [M4F] Daddy Gives you the Strugglefuck You've Been Wanting [DD/lg] [CNC] [Rape] [Consent Checks] [Sweet] [Safewords] [Facefuck] [Clothes Ripping]. Aftercare for You Will Submit to the Power of the Dark Side (For those more into non-con) It's alright to enjoy non-con as a fantasy! There's nothing to be ashamed of and you deserve to feel accepted and safe~Please verify that you are not a robot. Audio idea inspiration from HakunaMatataQueen. Aftercare for All for Love. Aftercare for I Got Gangraped on the Subway (For people less into non-con) It's alright to not like this fantasy and this is a safe and accepting place :)soundgasm. play stop. [M4F] Your Valentine's Friend [Platonic Friends] [Chocolate] [Emotional Breakdown] [Yelling] [Friend becomes Rapist] [Tearing. [M4A] Our Special Night Together [SEND HELP I’M TRAPPED] [BFE] [Romance] [Dinner Date] [Consent Checks] [Gentle] to [Passionate]. play stop. Explicit. Username Password. net in your browser :) Reply. Home Login Signup Contact. repeat. net Logo Home Login Signup Contact. Will miss recording/posting and will be back as soon as I can~. everdistant_utopia [M4F] Drain Every Bit of Stress From Your Overworked Boyfriend. Let's assume the average audio is 7 minutes long. max volume. net. Past Day. net. mute unmute max volume. Email. I consider it a privilege that I get to stop for you, okay? It's really important to me that you're feeling safe and that you're feeling comfortable, and I. I did this completely asinine thing where I actually went on vacation the week after posting this, but I premade that entire week's worth of. All. everdistant_utopia. . . bar of chocolate. fm accountmax volume. You're watching your favorite TV show, when your girlfriend asks if she can join you. max volume. everdistant_utopia. everdistant_utopia. Hi LoneStranger, glad to see you reposting these. play stop. The Spirit of Your Words, the Ghost of my Voice by LateStageInfernalism. mute unmute max volume. The most important thing to me is making sure you feel safe and comfortable. max volume. everdistant_utopia. soundgasm. . Many thanks for giving this a listen, hope you enjoy!Play Count: 96. soundgasm. [M4F] Your Personal Pop Idol [MSub] [Devotion] [Nervousness] [Neediness] [Desperation] [Kissing] [Riding] [Incoherent Singing] [Embarrassment] [Begging] [Live Recording Playback] [Layered Audio] Thinking about. Say "Nighty night" and kiss me. Email Username Password Confirm Password. Past Week. [Awkward] [Romance] [Consent Checks] [Rough Sex] [Gentle. f4m -. [M4A] Gently Guiding You through CNC (Safeword - Red) You're safe. Soundgasm. 0016 seconds0. I'm here for you. soundgasm. max volume. Images. everdistant_utopia. play stop. everdistant_utopia. You know, I did it all for you. repeat. everdistant_utopia. @everdistant_utopia I know it’s rare, but Daddy Swap 2 gives me hope you’ll do a sequel to my all time fave “Stop Running. mute unmute max volume. everdistant_utopia. repeat. 2016 Guest starring everyone's favorite memetic Trader Joes' 5 lb. soundgasm. mute unmute max volume. Said I respect your voice but I reject your choice The only condition, just make your decision It’s all up to you Whichever one you want, either yes or yesFound. Play Count: 7179. Soundgasm. Find the most popular content. Temmie sucks human dick to pay for college. The Baroness Part 1: A Reunion Dear Madame Hahn.