0, then Italy with the R3 from 5. 7 later. when you do start, start with arcade battle mode so it still feels fast paced for you, and pay attention to where the cursor turns green when youre aiming at enemies, those are weak spots. The German BMP-1 is probably one of my favorite vehicles in the entire German tree, its my most played ground vehicle. He constantly ignores community requests. Just put two extra cannon pods to inner pylons and it is fearsome plane. The current exchange rate IIRC is $1 USD = 1 GJC. It's a fantastic movie. It's basically a rank III MiG-15bis with an air spawn and a pretty ridiculous flight model, so yes, it's quite op. ago. 794. 6pdr Crusader and both Cromwells are my picks for fun vehicles. The last one I saw had a vehicle listed that was already in the game . the thing that wow do better is having more polished shooting system. r/Warthunder. To be fair Tigre's "APHE" has just as much explosive as Moffett's "SAP". ago. Scout drones on the other hand could make the life of campers harder (so a good think imo)If yes , go for tanks. The jets are quite bad in my opinion. Is faster than any jet at its br, at 8. For some perspective, the maximum internal fuel load of a Spitfire Mk IX is 85 gallons, whereas the P51D could hold 269 gallons internal fuel. I’ve always loved the aspect of dog fighting and this is the best game I can get. Players had enough with slow progression and devs are panicking. the main set-back being the lack of RSPAAG or SAM. Every match is an uptier as there is so much people playing 9. 1% 一 +20% for defeat and +47% for victory. The fact that it takes +460,000 RP of spading while they are UNFIT FOR COMBAT just to make them actually perform better than the ones they supposedly suceed is ridiculous. 3 and below has a lot of APHE/HEAT type shells and the armour package is very effective at dealing with them. Aim at the target with reticle. There hasn't been an accurate leak list since the red skies patch IIRC (with the only exceptions being the ones from Olivia, which are usually much much closer to release). So, the BR of the ITP confuses me. If we're talking for strictly AA duties then Germany until 5. Dukeringo •. Dude gets a meme taken down from r/starfield, spends a year harassing the mods with multiple accounts, then pays reddit to run an ad campaign against the mods. • 9 mo. Jagdpanther. Change Account. either Russia or USA. 1. always make sure you’re looking around and paying attention to your rwr, especially once you get into the furball. and now the reddit community, as well as some chinese community, has decided to do something about it. 3. Naval main's guide to all War Thunder Bluewater Naval Nations! (October 2022) Hello all! With Naval (seemingly) becoming a bit more popular after being shunned by the community for so long, I thought I'd write a guide. Especially the lack of decent missiles holds it back a bit, because that's pretty much 2 less easy kills on unaware targets that you get. 380K subscribers in the Warthunder community. When you know how to play the IS 2 for example this tank is a beast. It can turn pretty well and won't bleed a lot. lock them up on radar at about 4-5 miles (6-8 km) and fire your missile if they aren’t hugging the ground. Only alternative is WOT but it's not much better. Yeah, not really worth. steve09089 • 1 yr. GoombaJames • 2 yr. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Absolutely, yes. In the operation manual for the Ka-50, it states it could only chain fire two missiles guiding to a target at a time. The Latécoère 298 (sometimes abridged to Laté 298) was a French seaplane that served during World War II. ago. But honestly japans grind has been the worst of all trees for me. I say no. Ruining*. Nobody plays a video game and goes “oh they are promoting the Afghanistan war”. 2. If you can enjoy the game for what it is and are willing to adapt to the changes Gaijin implements then yes, it's worth it. More SPAA. ago. British should have enough BB's to add, compared to germany. Bombing 1 base + air to air: 18x 250lb bomb + 4x aim 7f + 4x aim 9h + 20mm gunpod. 66% of all the time. To all the players of War Thunder: I believe everyone has noticed the recent changes in the in-game economy, whether it's for naval, ground, air battles, AB, RB, or SB. The match time. If the radar is off, pressing this button will enter ACM mode. 330. 324K subscribers in the Warthunder community. So feel free to just give it a go, who knows, maybe you'll enjoy it!Lock radar on target- the radar will attempt to lock the selected target and enter tracking mode. This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO…Right now the MiG-29 has among the best sustained turn rate in the game if you hold pitch up. • 14 days ago. From Aces to Rookies. The ITP is faster, has a higher rip speed, and has combat, takeoff & landing flaps, where the Yak only has landing. I'm guessing part of the reason is that the j8 can carry 6 missiles now, with custom loadouts. Top. Ridiculously low repair cost The p51 at 6. 9K. Don’t play bombers in air rb, use them in ground rb. I just like the sound of the engines and the guns are massive. 0 line up with no stabilizers. 2. The M36B2 gains a HEAT-FS round at the cost of significant mobility loss and a BR increase, this makes no real sense because the only reason you'd really need HEAT-FS is for dealing with Tiger II H's frontally, but the base M36 cannot face Tiger II H's due to being 5. The only downside is that intercepting one BV might be enough to make you run out of cannon rounds. 2. One of the things I'm missing from the roadmap: removal of stock HEATFS. 106. ago. i would love this to be fixed because you cant take advantage of the full 600RPM of. If all you want is to play a T90 or Leo2A6 and aren't. ) 3. 69. Hence you have the entire French 8. at a BR of 4. That last kill though. I used to play a lot of realistic air battles, I have tier VI planes in almost all nations but it's just boring, every game is the same: Take off, climb as much as you can, destroy the enemies that can't climb as much as you do. Keep in mind that domination matches (capture and hold a single large point) have a 60min timer but they usually end within about 20 minutes anyway. 2016. It is a tough BR with Tiger I and Panther D, plus hordes of T-34-85, IS-1/2, Jumbo 76; and you get up-tiered al, the way to 6. This dev server gzabi is still helping me to write the datamine, correct and teach me what things are. 8. Switch to targeting view by pressing the "toggle View" key once. r/Warthunder. 1. I just got 3 kills in the T18B-1. War thunders progression works by researching and then buying vehicles, which you have to research abilities for said vehicles, buy those, all the while paying the repair for every death, all with the same currency. I would say that this is the game community that I've seen that hates their game the most, and hates the developers the most. its actually american, it was used by french british canadian and even poland. Flatcherius • 16 min. 379K subscribers in the Warthunder community. It’s a fucking video game not reality. 794. better graphics*. It's been at 7. The game is based around combined arms battles on air, land, and sea with vehicles from the Great War to today. 8 comments. But for air RB and naval RB 25/30min is way too low. forcallaghan • 2 yr. There. Captain_Slims • 2 mo. So all the benefits of rifling without any of the downside. 4K votes, 211 comments. Over the course of the event there's 10 stages in 20 days giving us an approx. OG BP profile icon depicts a Royal Lancer not a Kings Royal Hussar. The tree itself isn’t terrible, just bear in mind there are some serious issues with having. Personally, I think comparing the 2 games is kinda stupid. All this is for is to fire take-off assistance rockets that some (very few) aircraft get. Hitpoints to 0, you die, as we all know. 6. The best 6. Right now no, I wouldn't recommend it at all. The Wyvern Problem. Based upon multiple layers of based right there mate. The grind is secondary. A small amount of highly precise Copperhead shells for US. 3, consider 7. EspressoCookie89. It's certainly a unique plane. ago. Ukraine just took back over 1000km2 of land in a surprise second counter-offensive and has an entire Russian army group surrounded over the span of just two days. 7 is decent, with the Cromwell and the Achilles. What’s going on in Ukraine rn is horrible, the game is also horrible, but not comparable to real life war. Aidenalothmani • 2 yr. F5C is a good plane in itself, but against true top tier jets you will definitely struggle unless you're actually good at the game. If you want to hunt tanks as well the french AMX-13 DCA 40 offers both good anti air and anti tank capabilities. 2016. then when youre ready. As a general rule of thumb though, you're just going to die a lot, with the sabre and mig-15 bis spam that you can't easily counter. 79 -> 2. American teams are underperforming for quite a few reasons tbh. Still buying one for the title since Edge of Tomorrow is my favorite movie. (P. 0 tanks are oddballs that are quirky but not. I mean, maybe Squad or Arma, but that requires a two man tank crew, one to drive and one to shoot. Moving into early jets you have things like the Horten 229 and the Meteors. 67hp/t power/weight, and the ability to reverse at 36-40km/hr. What most old player must mean by dying is probably that the player that joins in relise the bullshit and leave. 20. 673 votes, 601 comments. Britain and Japan have good planes but they are hard to use and very specific to one playstyle. War Thunder feels way more serious/competitive and the progression is way more satisfying. • 1 yr. Shootinputin89 • 3 mo. They would have to contact the regional FBI field office who deal in clearance investigations. Germany - Bfw. Last one I posted a few days ago. The reason you are getting out of wave after wave is more likely due to the fact that when people rent server farms to do DDOS attacks they rent them for one day at the time. ago. 0 without doubt. Now they're just objectively. That allows you to learn the basics of controlling your plane/tank, how certain game mechanics work, and so on. The MMO War Thunder, made by Russia's Gaijin Entertainment, is a great example of the rivet counting disputes that can arise over gamers' love for technical and historical accuracy. -1. ago. 1K votes, 59 comments. Second — balance. ago. I don't think it would be so bad if I didn't spend 5-10 mins climbing just to have to either run away or get dived on anyway. I recently quit War Thunder after I realized how grindy and boring it is (In my opinion). 364K subscribers in the Warthunder community. 7 up to about 3. Above 3000 meters it doesn't matter if you are running 80% or 50%. Ranked by Size. 66. While enticing, top tier is rarely where the most fun is, so do not focus too much on grind, but rather on having fun. I don’t care if it’s the only one of it’s kind, if you hate the game so much and have hundred of hours on it, either your lying, either you have mental issues, or a. My favourite thing to say about war thunder is to “play the game not the grind”. Join. The way vehicles and features get added, it's also never "too late" to get into. 0 light tank is an amazing support tank that also gets the new sabot round that will pen most things. Late July early August there are various events that happen, like operation S. r/Warthunder • For over a year, I haven't looked forward, nor even bothered to put in service, top of the line MBTs. Bad press hurts companies much quicker. MiG-29 will not receive R-73 missiles in the Apex Predators update. It doesn't have a stabilizer not because it's some low grade export. It is specified by a green icon that looks like this : /_. Welcome to the War Thunder Player Union. 378K subscribers in the Warthunder community. The vehicle and play style you use make it overpower versus normal ground vehicle, but underpowered versus air vehicle, so yes air will kill you. Olivia and Gszabi are S tier members of the community. Mostly because 8. ago. 161 votes, 105 comments. "Now the cost of the "Crew Replenishment" will be linked not to vehicle rank but to the economy rank (rank and position in the research tree on the rank) which will allow to fine-tune the price of the modification. 0 is a hell yes just because of the 6pdr crusader. This is similar to the P-40E and F models being separate in the real tree, but still allows players to skip. Its just a German 23MLA but in the Russian tree. Planned economy changes in May 2023. War thunder is also way more f2p friendly. P-51D30, P-63A10 and F4U4 are probably the best for that (P51C too to a degree). Not to mention the absolute state of that game. It’s less War Thunderish than the previous one but I hope u all like it. When literally no other vehicle at 4. Press fire key (either "Fire Secondary Weapon", or "Fire Air-to-Ground Missile", depending on whether you're using the weapon selector) to stabilise the laser.