Referenced Game Version V0. Players must acquire a number of hearts of friendship with Wornhardt before being allowed inside of their home. #1. Join. If the player has not acquired the needed amount of. 1 Summary 2 Dating 3 Proposing/Engagement 4 Wedding 5 Married life Summary Romance is enabled within the game among the 18 currently available Romance Candidates. It is currently unknown if he is the town's first doctor or what happened to the previous doctor. It is not in the game yet, it is on their to do list for a upcoming feature. Published Mar 28, 2023 Dating a character is a big part of Sun Haven, and here's how you can marry anyone you want in the game. #1 Introduction. • 12 days ago. To manually add an article, image, or category to this category, append [[Category:Characters]] to the end of its page. Players must acquire a number of hearts of friendship with Wornhardt before being allowed inside of their home. In Sun Haven, there is a relationship level cap of 15 Hearts (unless married, which is raised to 20 Hearts). Mewo Mar 25 @ 1:21pm. Per page: 15 30 50. Jan 15 @ 6:15pm. This is probably the unluckiest (or very foolish) fighter, becuse you can find him every season, same place, same injury. Sun Haven > General Discussions > Topic Details. Birthday: Summer 5 Lives At: Liam's House, west. I never got Lucias and Juns AND I never dated them, so I think their keepsakes are also locked above 10 hearts. Clawyer Mar 25 @ 5:28am. Just wanted to add insult on injury. Avoid giving Wornhardt any Cheeseburgers, Mashed Potatoes, Pizza, or Stuffed Casseroles, as he dislikes them. 6 mo. Read below to see how marriage works in Sun Haven. ago. Anyone else have similar problems with dates? Romance Candidates If you've been in the relaxing world of Sun Haven, you've likely already met a few characters that spark your interest. #6. In today's video, I compiled the first and second date with Jun & the wedding sequence, in case anyone missed any of the dialogue. In Sun Haven, there are many options to choose from for romance-able characters and gender will not play a factor in who can and cannot be romanced so make some friends and beyond!? Here is an early picture of the first set of romance-able characters: From left to right: (Top): Lucia, Liam, Anne, Catherine, Lynn, Nathaniel, Jun, Claude. UPDATE - I proposed to 15 characters on the same day and am now married to all 15 of. r/SunHaven. . Wornhardt is rarely at his home, as he spends much of his time at the Hospital . by Adrian Oprea; June 23, 2023 June 23, 2023; Guides, Sun Haven; Sun Haven: How to Use a Bee Box to Make Honey. To use the spells push the assigned button either Q or R. Wornhardt Quest Can't go inside his clinic, says I need to be better friends to enter, how do turn quest in for the rocks he's asking for? Showing 1 - 2 of 2 comments FXKLM Jun 27, 2021 @ 10:50am The house and clinic are different buildings. There are 2 main types of keepsakes obtainable in Sun Haven: Introduction Keepsakes, which can be obtained from the very beginning/early on in the game. Last edited by YamiYuka; Jan 15 @ 4:56pm < >. That's a massive disappointment. Confusingly, the house has a medical cross on it as well. I didn't get wornhardt's keepsake until I was at 14 or 15 hearts with him, I'd kind. Wornhardt is rarely at his home, as he spends much of his time at the Hospital . from another thread asking about marring other players. Per page: 15 30 50. 15 Hearts - After reaching this level, you can propose to a character by giving him or her a Wedding Ring, which can be purchased from Bernard. Most players will expect to have to go to Catherine and ask her for the medicine. ago. AlarinVonEngel Jun 27, 2021 @ 10:41am. FXKLM Jun 27, 2021 @ 10:50am. You can date as many characters are you want. Wornhardt Quest. You have the option to propose to a character after you. r/SunHaven. The next day, he had dialogue as though we were a couple. If you propose to them on the same day you can marry both (for now at least) Noxaton • 6 mo. Wornhardt is a lover of fruit, often stating that it is the one thing he misses from the Southern Islands. There won’t be any interesting dialogue lines, just open the shop and look for medicine. Wornhardt, all dates, schedule, and all his heart events lined up for you in this guide! Need some. Along. Player: Wow, thanks! I'm [ Player ], glad to meet you, doctor. This article is part of a directory: Sun Haven: Complete Guide Table of contents Question about Date #2 for Wornhardt : r/SunHaven. Hello fellow farmers!! I am back with an update of my farm!! I’m currently in spring year 3 and this is my decorations so far (I am missing a few items but I’m closer to being finished!!) still working on my WG and nelvari farms (shop cycles are hell TwT) I hope you like my progress!! ♡҉٩. Is the data for each keepsake up to date for 1. the only thing you really miss out on is the opportunity to gain hearts through dialogue. yeah, it's weird, the game never seems to recognise if you miss dates, it just continues on like you attended. Wornhardt is rarely at his home, as he spends much of his time at the Hospital. I saw someone in the Sun Haven Discord say they proposed to two people on the same day and it let them marry both, I haven't fact checked that though. I saw someone in the Sun Haven Discord say they proposed to two people on the same day and it let them marry both, I haven't fact checked that though. Dont mind me. . One of the advantages for which this title is praised is precisely the interesting NPCs. Keep in mind that the Sun Haven Hospital opens early in the morning and closes around 8 PM. This category lists all known Characters in Sun Haven. His unique item is Wornhardt’s Stethoscope. You look plenty healthy to me, but come see me if you're feeling under the weather. ago. There are five stages in romance: pre-dating, dating,. I been trying to get a date with Wornhardt and still haven’t gotten one date with him. 1 Leafie. I've got Wornharts stethoscope only after I started dating him. . Wornhardt's House is the home of Wornhardt, located in South-Eastern Sun Haven, just north of the beach. The purpose of the guide is to provide accurate and up to date information regarding marriage, gifting, and keepsakes. Indie Games Sun Haven: Wornhardt Romance Guide By Gabrielle Castania Published May 2, 2023 Has Sun Haven's charismatic, white-haired doctor got your heart. Sun Haven. March 29, 2023 Guides, Sun Haven One of the first quests you will get in Sun Haven is the Just What the Doctor Ordered task, which will send you to get medicine from Catherine. Hello fellow farmers!! I am back with an update of my farm!! I’m currently in spring year 3 and this is my decorations so far (I am missing a few items but I’m closer to being finished!!) still working on my WG and nelvari farms (shop cycles are hell TwT) I hope you like my progress!! ♡҉٩. After going on my second date with Lynn, I now have a plan to go on another date this time with Wornhardt (lol). Date Posted: Mar 13 @ 1:26am. Showing 1 - 2 of 2 comments. 2? Some are different than wiki's NiCO. Once you find one of the fourteen characters mentioned above and aim to start a romance with them, you must. In this guide you will learn, among other things, whether it is possible to romance several people in Sun Haven. Just these three. I haven't had any new dialogue with Jun since 5 hearts and I am at 8 right now. In his older portrait art, Wornhardt. #1 darinka Mar 25 @ 3:31am Me too. 3. All Discussions. 50. Published on: July 5, 2022 by Robins Chew An overview of all romance candidates. 3. Wornhardt Romance Guide: How to Date, Best Gifts, Schedule, Events, and All Dates in Sun Haven Rosealyn 1. Wornhardt; Xyla; How to Date in Sun Haven. • 12 days ago. Ready to romance in Sun Haven? I’ve got the best gifts for Dr. smith Dec 24, 2021 @ 9:40am. Beaten by a Lv. Keep in mind that the Sun Haven Hospital opens early in the morning and closes around 8 PM. Join. I don't have issues with any of the other characters. It usually isn’t the first thing you will see. The next day, he had dialogue as though we. In Sun Haven, there is a relationship level cap of 15 Hearts (unless married, which is raised to 20 Hearts). Sun Haven: Nintendo Switch Release Date. Which I have none with them. There are five stages in romance: pre-dating, dating, engaged, wedding, and married. He has been a resident of the town for about 1 year prior to the protagonist moving to Sun Haven. If you wish to change who you're married to you'll need to get a divorce first. Covers friendship stages, keepsakes, and gifts. • 12 days ago. Wornhardt is a human man who serves as the resident doctor at Sun Haven's hospital. 1K views 4 months ago #sunhaven #rosealyn. Language: English Words: 1,403 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 2 Kudos: 23 Bookmarks: 1 Hits: 281;. Sun Haven > General Discussions > Topic Details. Wornhardt, and Anne. Sun Haven. This is the life you step into in Sun Haven, from Pixelsproutstudios, recently released in Early Access (shed not yet functional). The house and clinic are different. #2. Nathaniel Jun Kitty Wornhardt Xyla How to Date in Sun Haven Once you find one of the fourteen characters mentioned above and aim to start a romance with them, you must raise their friendship bar by giving them gifts. r/SunHaven. His hearts are almost maxed out, i don’t know if this is a glitch or they just didn’t people effort into his character but I been trying for awhile and I’m still his “friend” even tho I. Anyone else have similar problems with dates? Same happened to me, but at least he had a good phantom date with me? Lol. Guide Version Version 1 Update 0Wornhardt's House is the home of Wornhardt, located in South-Eastern Sun Haven, just north of the beach. Last edited by darinka ; Mar 25 @ 6:21am #2 yellowchikadee Mar 25 @ 3:43am Wornhardt's House is the home of Wornhardt, located in South-Eastern Sun Haven, just north of the beach. Air Skip takes 2 mana to use. To complete the Just What the Doctor Ordered quest in Sun Haven, head over to the Farming Store, the one right next to the General Store and Bulletin Board, and talk to Emmett. However, this is not what you need to do. ginandcats Aug 3, 2021 @ 9:54am. Originally posted by yellowchikadee: The date schedule and keepsakes are inconsistent, if not completely random. Players must acquire a number of hearts of friendship with Wornhardt before being allowed inside of their home. It really sucks that I missed out on the cut scene. Dating characters is a major part of the game, and there's a lot you have to think about when you're trying to woo a certain NPC. Introduction Overview Sun Haven features a diverse cast of characters each with unique personalities and interests. Players will not be able to speak with Wornhardt about the injured fighter until he reaches the hospital. In fact, you can reach 15 hearts with any of the romance candidates, but you can only marry one at a time. Players may give gifts to these NPCs in order to increase friendship levels, with some gifts being more effective than others. Question about Date #2 for Wornhardt : r/SunHaven. You can call me Wornhardt if you don't want to call me doctor. I got the quest that I had to show up to his house at 5, I did, nothing happened. Wornhardt (Sun Haven) (6) Liam (Sun Haven) (5) Donovan (Sun Haven) (4) Vaan (Sun Haven) (4) Claude (Sun Haven). He is the resident doctor in town, the one w. There are five stages in romance: pre-dating, dating, engaged, wedding, and. 9K subscribers Subscribe 1. Players will not be able to speak with Wornhardt about the injured fighter until he reaches the hospital. by Adrian Oprea; April 22, 2023 April 22, 2023; Guides, Sun Haven; Sun Haven vs Stardew Valley: Which One Is Better? by Adrian Oprea;Spells. The next day, he had dialogue as though we were a couple. 3. In Sun Haven you can romance several characters at the. Can't do first Dr. Keep giving gifts until they gain a certain amount of friendship hearts, and a date appears in the form of a new side quest. Join. YamiYuka. Romance in Sun Haven Sun Haven is a casual, multiplayer fantasy farming simulation game from Pixel Sprout Studios that released in 2023. I got the quest that I had to show up to his house at 5, I did, nothing happened. Hello fellow farmers!! I am back with an update of my farm!! I’m currently in spring year 3 and this is my decorations so far (I am missing a few items but I’m closer to being finished!!) still working on my WG and nelvari farms (shop cycles are hell TwT) I hope you like my progress!! ♡҉٩. Kitsune Bella Mar 14 @ 8:49pm. This article is part of a directory: Sun Haven: Complete Guide Table of. #2. It really sucks that I missed out on the cut scene. I got the quest that I had to show up to his house at 5, I did, nothing happened. Nope, you still have a chance at the second date :) #1. Player: Wow, thanks! I'm [ Player ], glad to meet you, doctor. Erinofarendelle 6 mo. Luckily, it is possible to date more than one person at a time in Sun Haven. Sun Haven is a game developed by Pixel Sprout Studios, in which we can farm, perform various tasks and meet NPCs. UPDATE - I proposed to 15 characters on the same day and am now. #6. If you should happen to be out past midnight or fall in battle , you'll awaken in the hospital with the good. When speaking to Wornhardt for the first time in a new game: Hey, neighbor! I'm Doctor Wornhardt. You have two spell slots and once you gain a spell to assign it a slot hover over the 2 Purple Sun circles above the bar a menu should pop up. Can't do first Dr. Hover over the spell to see it’s mana cost. If you propose to them on the same day you can marry both (for now at least) Noxaton • 6 mo. In today's video, we're going over where you can find Wornhardt, Anne, Claude, Lynn, Catherine, Donovan, and Darius from Sun Haven throughout the day. You decided to pay a visit to your boyfriend’s sewer one late evening - A re-write/expansion of Donovan’s third date event. In the game, you can also romance certain characters in order to strengthen your bond with them. Can't go inside his clinic, says I need to be better friends to enter, how do turn quest in for the rocks he's asking for? Showing 1 - 2 of 2 comments. You can call me Wornhardt if you don't want to call me doctor. Sun Haven > General Discussions > Topic Details. Sun Haven's soft-spoken baker, Liam may be slow to warm up to strangers, but shows his nurturing and protective side to his trusted few loved-ones. Indie Games Sun Haven: Wornhardt Romance Guide By Gabrielle Castania Published May 2, 2023 Has Sun Haven's charismatic, white-haired doctor got your heart beating fast? Head over to the hospital and use our tips for wooing Wornhardt. 1 Summary 2 Dating 3 Proposing/Engagement 4 Wedding 5 Married life Summary Romance is enabled within the game among the 18 currently available Romance Candidates. In Sun Haven, there is a relationship level cap of 15 Hearts (unless married, which is raised to 20 Hearts). ago. You look plenty healthy to me, but come see me if you're feeling under the weather. Sun Haven features a diverse cast of characters each with unique personalities and interests. When speaking to Wornhardt for the first time in a new game: Hey, neighbor! I'm Doctor Wornhardt. _____LIKE and SUBSC. Players build and upgrade their farm, help restore shops in the area, and try to rejuvenate the town by recruiting neighbors. Wornhardt's Stethoscope +10 Health +10% Health Regen +60% Accuracy Received from Wornhardt. Introduction. I've gotten Lucia's Keepsake after starting to date her, so over 10 hearts. #2. Showing 1 - 6 of 6 comments. lilster. . The farming life gameplay made popular in Harvest Moon. His unique item is Wornhardt’s Stethoscope.